Regulators Concerned for Air Quality around Schools

March 02, 2009 4373 users 0 Category: Air

"Questions have been raised about air quality around some U.S. schools, and those questions merit investigation," are the words of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, which also said that "EPA will work quickly to make assessments and take swift action where necessary."

Accordingly, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is showing an increased concern related to the quality of air and how our children could be affected by announcing its intent to test the air pollution near schools. This will be done thorough a systemic approach aiming first to identify facilities/areas with potential air quality problems and, based on this, select up to 100 schools to be tested (in the risk areas). The testing is expected to start within 30 days and the monitoring will be conducted by state and local governments under EPA direction. The results are to be made available to the public. This will be useful for taking appropriate measures to mitigate pollution effects as well as avoid future occurrences. The immediate outcome of the study will be, according to EPA to "maximize its monitoring and analytical capabilities to develop a clearer picture of any potential risks to children from toxic air pollution."