Is Your Community One of the 172 Selected to Receive EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grants?

June 08, 2017 4315 users 0 Category: Soil

Despite a number of disappointing news related to the environment, one good thing has come through in the past week. The Environmental Protection Agency has announced 279 grants worth a grand total of $56.8 million for the assessment and cleanup of brownfields across the United States.

Brownfields are one step short of the Superfund status. Whereas a Superfund site is clearly known to be polluted with high levels of toxic and hazardous substances, a brownfield is property that was previously used for industrial or commercial purposes, that is either known or suspected to be polluted, but which can still be recovered for use.

The EPA's announcement details the 172 communities that are about to receive these 279 grants, which will allow towns to recycle and redeem revenue-generating property that is now vacant. The grants target economically disadvantaged communities and will improve local economy by creating jobs and infrastructure, as well as diminish health risks in affected neighborhoods.

The Brownfields Grant Fact Sheet details on the type of grant and the amount to be awarded. Check here if your community was selected!